About Large Data Sets Limited

Our goal is simple: Structure data so that you can make meaningful actions around the materials this data corresponds to.

Having spent the last 7 years trying to solve the problems of surplus materials we concluded that we first have to solve the data issues that cause this problem in the first place.

Together we can help facilitate a circular economy across manufacturing sectors, using data enrichment as the ultimate weapon.

Clean Data = Finding Parts Fast. Less Downtime. Lower Costs. Less Environmental Impact.

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Our Team

Benjamin Findlay CEO Forbes Features CEO and WEF Top Innovator with 20 years of experience in industrial tech and MRO.
Lukasz Snopkiewicz CTO An industry veteran with nearly 20 years professional experience, always ensures the company’s optimal tech trajectory.
Dr. Long D. Silver CDO Large MRO data specialist, helping multinational companies to overcome data challenges.